Math Education Specialist
Ms Annie Fetter worked on the project that developed the first version of the Geometer’s Sketchpad and was a founding staff member of the Math Forum until it ended in 2017. Currently she consults with schools, districts, states, and a world-famous art museum and speaks at conferences, encouraging a focus on sense-making and leveraging students’ idea. She is an author of McGraw Hill Education’s new K-5 textbook series, Reveal Math. Her very first Ignite talk, “Ever Wonder What They’d Notice?”, has been used in countless PD session around the world. She reads a lot, is an unapologetic beer snob, sings and plays bass at bluegrass jams and in an all-girl band, plays ice hockey goalie, bakes sourdough bread, and is mother to two of the best dogs a cat lover could have.
Certified Math Teacher (PA)
B.A. Swarthmore College (Mathematics and Music)