Director, Online Math Education Programs
Mr. Stephen Weimar was director of The Math Forum since the mid-nineties through 2017, at which point it was absorbed by NCTM. He has been principal investigator on over 20 NSF-funded research projects developing ways for math educators to interact and form knowledge-building communities. Currently Steve is working with Annie and Dave, along with a team of software developers and many collaborators around the country to build:
the Virtual Math Teams environment for small group collaboration in mathematical problem solving. VMT incorporates GeoGebra and Desmos into a real-time collaboration that also can be replayed and studied for the development of mathematical practices.
the EnCoMPASS platform that enables teachers (and students) to collaboratively review student work and generate feedback using our Notice and Wonder approach.
A new project being considered for funding, Mathematical Thinkers Like Me, through which we would create an online community particularly geared to historically underrepresented students. It is designed to support the development of equity, executive functions, and conceptual understanding in math through collaborative problem solving and student video stories of their evolving journey as mathematical thinkers.
Annie and Steve also work with colleagues at Bootstrap (bootstrapworld.org) on professional development for math teachers who want to teach Algebra and Data Science while introducing students to computer science.